Accretion in Strong Field Gravity with Extp

Rosa, AD
Uttley, P
Gou, L
Liu, Y
Bambi, C
Barret, D
Belloni, T
Berti, E
Bianchi, S
Caiazzo, I
Tombesi, F
Torok, G
Urbanec, M
Vincent, F
Wu, Q
Yuan, F
in’ t Zand, JJM
Zdziarski, AA
Zhou, X
Document Type
Year published
in Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, ISSN: 1674-7348
Volume: 62, Issue: 2
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ISSN: 1674-7348
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Rosa, AD;   2 Uttley, P;   3 Gou, L;
4 Liu, Y;   5 Bambi, C;   6 Barret, D;
7 Belloni, T;   8 Berti, E;   9 Bianchi, S;
10 Caiazzo, I;   11 Casella, P;   12 Feroci, M;
13 Ferrari, V;   14 Gualtieri, L;   15 Heyl, J;
16 Ingram, A;   17 Karas, V;   18 Lu, F;
19 Luo, B;   20 Matt, G;   21 Motta, S;
22 Neilsen, J;   23 Pani, P;   24 Santangelo, A;
25 Shu, X;   26 Wang, J;   27 Wang, J;
28 Xue, Y;   29 Xu, Y;   30 Yuan, W;
31 Yuan, Y;   32 Zhang, S;   33 Zhang, S;
34 Agudo, I;   35 Amati, L;   36 Andersson, N;
37 Baglio, C;   38 Bakala, P;   39 Baykal, A;
40 Bhattacharyya, S;   41 Bombaci, I;   42 Bucciantini, N;
43 Capitanio, F;   44 Ciolfi, R;   45 Cui, WK;
46 D’Ammando, F;   47 Dauser, T;   48 Del Santo, M;
49 De Marco, B;   50 Di Salvo, T;   51 Done, C;
52 Dovčiak, M;   53 Fabian, AC;   54 Falanga, M;
55 Gambino, AF;   56 Gendre, B;   57 Grinberg, V;
58 Heger, A;   59 Homan, J;   60 Iaria, R;
61 Jiang, J;   62 Jin, C;   63 Koerding, E;
64 Linares, M;   65 Liu, Z;   66 Maccarone, TJ;
67 Malzac, J;   68 Manousakis, A;   69 Marin, F;
70 Marinucci, A;   71 Mehdipour, M;   72 Méndez, M;
73 Migliari, S;   74 Miller, C;   75 Miniutti, G;
76 Nardini, E;   77 O’Brien, PT;   78 Osborne, JP;
79 Petrucci, PO;   80 Possenti, A;   81 Riggio, A;
82 Rodriguez, J;   83 Sanna, A;   84 Shao, L;
85 Sobolewska, M;   86 Sramkova, E;   87 Stevens, AL;
88 Stiele, H;   89 Stratta, G;   90 Stuchlik, Z;
91 Svoboda, J;   92 Tamburini, F;   93 Tauris, TM;
94 Tombesi, F;   95 Torok, G;   96 Urbanec, M;
97 Vincent, F;   98 Wu, Q;   99 Yuan, F;
100 in’ t Zand, JJM;   101 Zdziarski, AA;   102 Zhou, X;