Birth of a Photosynthetic Chassis: A Moclo Toolkit Enabling Synthetic Biology in the Microalga Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii

Navarro, FJ
Willmund, F
Mehrshahi, P
Bakowski, K
Lauersen, KJ
Pérez-Pérez, M
Auroy, P
Gorchs Rovira, A
Sauret-Gueto, S
de Mia, M
Sarkissian, K
Baulcombe, DC
Peltier, G
Crespo, J
Kruse, O
Jensen, P
Schroda, M
Smith, AG
Lemaire, SD
Document Type
Year published
in ACS Synthetic Biology, ISSN: 2161-5063
Volume: 7, Issue: 9, Pages: 2074-2086
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 2161-5063
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Crozet, P;   2 Navarro, FJ;   3 Willmund, F;
4 Mehrshahi, P;   5 Bakowski, K;   6 Lauersen, KJ;
7 Pérez-Pérez, M;   8 Auroy, P;   9 Gorchs Rovira, A;
10 Sauret-Gueto, S;   11 Niemeyer, J;   12 Spaniol, B;
13 Theis, J;   14 Trösch, R;   15 Westrich, L;
16 Vavitsas, K;   17 Baier, T;   18 Hübner, W;
19 de Carpentier, F;   20 Cassarini, M;   21 Danon, A;
22 Henri, J;   23 Marchand, CH;   24 de Mia, M;
25 Sarkissian, K;   26 Baulcombe, DC;   27 Peltier, G;
28 Crespo, J;   29 Kruse, O;   30 Jensen, P;
31 Schroda, M;   32 Smith, AG;   33 Lemaire, SD;