Detailed Design of the Imaging Magnetograph Experiment (Imax): a Visible Imager Magnetograph for the Sunrise Mission

Álvarez-Herrero, A
Belenguer, T
Pastor, C
González, L
Ramos, G
Reina, M
Sánchez, A
Villanueva, J
Sabau, L
López Jiménez, AC
Castillo Lorenzo, J
Herranz, M
Jerónimo, JM
Mellado, P
Morales, R
Rodríguez, J
Domingo, V
Gasent, JL
Rodríquez, P
Mather,JC;MacEwen,HA;de Graauw,MWM
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in SPIE Proceedings - Space Telescopes and Instrumentation I: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, ISSN: 0277-786X
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0277-786X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Álvarez-Herrero, A;   2 Belenguer, T;   3 Pastor, C;
4 González, L;   5 Heredero, RL;   6 Ramos, G;
7 Reina, M;   8 Sánchez, A;   9 Villanueva, J;
10 Sabau, L;   11 Martínez Pillet, V;   12 Bonet, JA;
13 Collados, M;   14 Jochum, L;   15 Ballesteros, E;
16 Medina Trujillo, JL;   17 Ruiz, CB;   18 González, JC;
19 del Toro Iniesta, JC;   20 López Jiménez, AC;   21 Castillo Lorenzo, J;
22 Herranz, M;   23 Jerónimo, JM;   24 Mellado, P;
25 Morales, R;   26 Rodríguez, J;   27 Domingo, V;
28 Gasent, JL;   29 Rodríquez, P;