Abstract 5067: Exome Sequencing Reveals Both Dna Sequence and Copy Number Changes in Aml: Potential Driver Changes and Mechanisms of Drug Resistance Revealed from Serial Samples from the Same Patients

Karjalainen, R
Eldfors, S
Edgren, H
Venkata, NPK
Kontro, M
Majumder, MM
Murumägi, A
Parsons, A
Almusa, H
Ellonen, P
Lagström, S
Suvela, M
Wolf, M
Wennerberg, K
Mustjoki, S
Saarela, J
Porkka, K
Kallioniemi, O
Heckman, CA
Document Type
Year published
in Cancer Research, ISSN: 0008-5472
Volume: 72, Issue: 8_Supplement, Pages: 5067-5067
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0008-5472
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Karjalainen, R;   2 Eldfors, S;   3 Edgren, H;
4 Venkata, NPK;   5 Kontro, M;   6 Majumder, MM;
7 Murumägi, A;   8 Parsons, A;   9 Almusa, H;
10 Ellonen, P;   11 Lepistö, M;   12 Mattila, P;
13 Hannula, S;   14 Lagström, S;   15 Suvela, M;
16 Wolf, M;   17 Wennerberg, K;   18 Knowles, JK;
19 Mustjoki, S;   20 Saarela, J;   21 Porkka, K;
22 Kallioniemi, O;   23 Heckman, CA;