Self-Reported Antibiotic Stewardship and Infection Control Measures from 57 Intensive Care Units: An International Id-Iri Survey

El-Sokkary, R
Erdem, H
Kullar, R
Pekok, AU
Amer, F
Grgić, S
Carevic, B
El-Kholy, A
Liskova, A
Özdemir, M
Khan, MA
Kurekci, Y
Pilli, HP
Grozdanovski, K
Miftode, E
Baljic, R
Uysal, S
Vahabolgu, H
Rello, J
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Infection and Public Health, ISSN: 1876-0341
Volume: 15, Issue: 9, Pages: 950-954
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ISSN: 1876-0341
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 El-Sokkary, R;   2 Erdem, H;   3 Kullar, R;
4 Pekok, AU;   5 Amer, F;   6 Grgić, S;
7 Carevic, B;   8 El-Kholy, A;   9 Liskova, A;
10 Özdemir, M;   11 Khan, EA;   12 Kizmaz, YU;
13 Pandak, N;   14 Pandya, N;   15 Arapović, J;
16 Karaali, R;   17 Oztoprak, N;   18 Petrov, MM;
19 Alabadla, R;   20 Alay, H;   21 El Kholy, JA;
22 Landelle, C;   23 Khedr, R;   24 Mamtora, D;
25 Dragovac, G;   26 Fernandez, R;   27 Evren, EU;
28 Raka, L;   29 Cascio, A;   30 Dauby, N;
31 Oncul, A;   32 Balin, SO;   33 Cag, Y;
34 Dirani, N;   35 Dogan, M;   36 Dumitru, IM;
37 Gad, MA;   38 Darazam, IA;   39 Naghili, B;
40 Del Vecchio, RF;   41 Licker, M;   42 Marino, A;
43 Akhtar, N;   44 Kamal, M;   45 Angioni, G;
46 Medić, D;   47 Esmaoğlu, A;   48 Gergely, SB;
49 Silva-Pinto, A ;   50 Santos, L;   51 Miftode, IL;
52 Tekin, R;   53 Wongsurakiat, P;   54 Khan, MA;
55 Kurekci, Y;   56 Pilli, HP;   57 Grozdanovski, K;
58 Miftode, E;   59 Baljic, R;   60 Uysal, S;
61 Vahabolgu, H;   62 Rello, J;