Genetic Architecture of Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism: Insights from Analysis of a Portuguese Cohort

Carriço, JN
Gonçalves, CI
Al-Naama, A
Syed, N
Aragüés, JM
Bastos, M
Fonseca, F
Borges, T
Pereira, BD
Pignatelli, D
Gama-de-Sousa, S
Amaral, C
Martinho, M
Limbert, C
Barros, L
Vieira, IH
Sabino, T
Saraiva, LR
Lemos, MC
Document Type
Year published
in Human Reproduction Open
Volume: 2024, Issue: 3
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Carriço, JN;   2 Gonçalves, CI;   3 Al-Naama, A;
4 Syed, N;   5 Aragüés, JM;   6 Bastos, M;
7 Fonseca, F;   8 Borges, T;   9 Pereira, BD;
10 Pignatelli, D;   11 Carvalho, D;   12 Cunha, F;
13 Saavedra, A;   14 Rodrigues, E;   15 Saraiva, J;
16 Ruas, L;   17 Vicente, N;   18 Martin Martins, J;
19 De Sousa Lages, A;   20 Oliveira, MJ;   21 Castro-Correia, C;
22 Melo, M;   23 Martins, RG ;   24 Couto, J;
25 Moreno, C;   26 Martins, D;   27 Oliveira, P;
28 Martins, T;   29 Martins, SA;   30 Marques, O;
31 Meireles, C;   32 Garrão, A;   33 Nogueira, C;
34 Baptista, C;   35 Gama-de-Sousa, S;   36 Amaral, C;
37 Martinho, M;   38 Limbert, C;   39 Barros, L;
40 Vieira, IH;   41 Sabino, T;   42 Saraiva, LR;
43 Lemos, MC;