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Will New Gender Policies Stop the Decrease of Women Physicists in Portugal?
Cunningham, BA
Tipo de Documento
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in WOMEN IN PHYSICS in AIP Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 0094-243X
Volume: 1517, Páginas: 140-141 (2)
4Th Iupap International Conference on Women in Physics, Date: APR 05-08, 2011, Location: Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA, Patrocinadores: Int Union Pure & Appl Phys (IUPAP), Alfred P Sloan Fdn, Amer Assoc Advancement Sci, Amer Assoc Phys Teachers, Amer Phys Soc, Abdus Salam Int Centre Theoret Phys, Argonne Natl Lab, Deutsch Physikalische Gesell, Diverse Media Works LLC, Dorothy Jemison Fdn Excellence, Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab, Int Centre Theoret Phys, Japan Soc Appl Phys, Johns Hopkins Univ, John Wiley & Sons, Korean Phys Soc, LIGO-California Inst Technol, LOreal, Los Alamos Natl Lab, Massachusetts Inst Technol, Michigan State Univ, Natl Sci Council, Natl Inst Standards & Technol, Natl Sci Fdn, NE Univ, Coll Sci, Penn State Univ, Dept Phys, Phys Soc Japan, Scholast Inc, Stanford Univ, Thomas Jefferson Natl Accelerator Facil, UNESCO, Univ Dist Columbia, Univ Penn, Dept Phys & Astronomy, Dept Sci & Technol, Council Sci & Ind Res (Def Peace Safety & Secur; Mat Sci & Mfg; R&D; R&D Outcomes & Human Capital Dev), Juta Publishers, Natl Res Fdn, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Univ, Dept Phys, S African Agcy Sci & Technol Awareness, S African Inst Phys,
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