Evaluation of the Safety of Palivizumab in the Second Season of Exposure in Young Children at Risk for Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection

Lacaze Masmonteil, T
Seidenberg, J
Mitchell, I
Cossey, V
Cihar, M
Csader, M
Baarsma, R
Valido, M
Pollack, PF
Groothuis, JR
Lequien, P
Lapeyre, F
Wickenburg Ennen, B
Nolte, H
Harding, PA
Ramos, S
Carolino, M
Marques, A
Group Author(s)
Second Season Safety Study Grp
Document Type
Year published
in DRUG SAFETY, ISSN: 0114-5916
Volume: 26, Issue: 4, Pages: 283-291 (9)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 12608889
Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037232387
Wos: WOS:000181811500005
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0114-5916
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lacaze Masmonteil, T;   2 Seidenberg, J;   3 Mitchell, I;
4 Cossey, V;   5 Cihar, M;   6 Csader, M;
7 Baarsma, R;   8 Valido, M;   9 Pollack, PF;
10 Groothuis, JR;   11 Allegaert, K;   12 Lombet, J;
13 Haumont, D;   14 Plaskie, K;   15 Davies, HD;
16 Sauve, RS;   17 Langley, JM;   18 Liska, K;
19 Andre, P;   20 Lequien, P;   21 Kacet, N;
22 Lapeyre, F;   23 Wickenburg Ennen, B;   24 Nolte, H;
25 Harding, PA;   26 Ramos, S;   27 Carolino, M;
28 Marques, A;