Development of Laser-Based Techniques for in Situ Characterization of the First Wall in Iter and Future Fusion Devices

Philipps, V
Hakola, A
Karhunen, J
Maddaluno, G
Almaviva, S
Caneve, L
Colao, F
Fortuna, E
van der Meiden, HJ
Petersson, P
Rubel, M
Huber, A
Schweer, B
Xiao, Q
Sergienko, G
Document Type
Year published
in NUCLEAR FUSION, ISSN: 0029-5515
Volume: 53, Issue: 9, Pages: 093002 (12)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884367352
Wos: WOS:000324160400004
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0029-5515
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Philipps, V;   2 Malaquias, A;   3 Hakola, A;
4 Karhunen, J;   5 Maddaluno, G;   6 Almaviva, S;
7 Caneve, L;   8 Colao, F;   9 Fortuna, E;
10 Gasior, P;   11 Kubkowska, M;   12 Czarnecka, A;
13 Laan, M;   14 Lissovski, A;   15 Paris, P;
16 van der Meiden, HJ;   17 Petersson, P;   18 Rubel, M;
19 Huber, A;   20 Zlobinski, M;   21 Schweer, B;
22 Gierse, N;   23 Xiao, Q;   24 Sergienko, G;