Variation by Age Group and Seasonally at Diagnosis of Childhood Iddm in Europe

Levy Marchal, C
Bingley, P
Document Type
Year published
in Diabetologia, ISSN: 0012-186X
Volume: 38, Issue: 7, Pages: 823-830
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 7556985
Scopus: 2-s2.0-0029043167
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0012-186X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Levy Marchal, C;   2 Patterson, C;   3 Green, A;
4 Schober, E;   5 Ullreich, G;   6 Vandewalle, C;
7 Svendsen, A;   8 Lounamaa, R;   9 Tuomilehto, J;
10 Akerblom, HK;   11 Czernichow, P;   12 Levy Marchal, C;
13 de Beaufort, C;   14 Doutreix, J;   15 Voirin, J;
16 Bartsocas, CS;   17 Dakou Voutetakis, C;   18 Pantelakis, S;
19 Theodoridis, H;   20 Kassiou, K;   21 Kyriakou, P;
22 Kyriakou, A;   23 Papazoglou, N;   24 Manes, CH;
25 Papadeli, E;   26 Scaragas, G;   27 Gotsis, N;
28 Soltesz, G;   29 Laron, Z;   30 Gordon, O;
31 Shohat, T;   32 Chiumello, G;   33 Bognetti, E;
34 Meschi, F;   35 Malavasi, C;   36 Balzano, E;
37 Pozzilli, P;   38 Visalli, N;   39 Suppa, A;
40 Guglielmi, A;   41 Sebastiani, ML;   42 Songini, M;
43 Loche, M;   44 Silvetti, M;   45 Angius, E;
46 Purrello, F;   47 Arpi, M;   48 Italia, S;
49 Tomaselli, L;   50 Mancuso, M;   51 Michel, G;
52 Wirion, R;   53 Reeser, M;   54 Joner, G;
55 Sovik, RO;   56 Woznicka, D;   57 Walczak, M;
58 Woznicki, G;   59 Stankiewicz, W;   60 Kedzia, A;
61 Szybinski, Z;   62 Czyzyk, A;   63 Wasik, R;
64 Abreu, S;   65 Menezes, C;   66 Pina, E;
67 Ionescu Tirgoviste, C;   68 Dragomirescu, C;   69 Nicolau, A;
70 Krzisnik, C;   71 Battelino, T;   72 Bratanic, N;
73 Goday, A;   74 Castell, C;   75 Tresserras, R;
76 Taberner, JL;   77 Lloveras, G;   78 Hadden, D;
79 Patterson, C;   80 Carson, D;   81 Bingley, P;