Enhancement of Intermediate Mass Dimuons in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the Cern-Sps

Capelli, L
Alessandro, B
Alexa, C
Arnaldi, R
Atayan, M
Baglin, C
Baldit, A
Bedjidian, M
Sitta, M
Sonderegger, P
Tarrago, X
Topilskaya, NS
Usai, GL
Vercellin, E
Villatte, L
Willis, N
Group Author(s)
NA38 NA50 Collaboration
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 698, Issue: 1-4, Pages: 539C-542C (4)
15Th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Qm 2001), Date: JAN 15-20, 2001, Location: LONG ISL CITY, NY
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037060555
Wos: WOS:000173799700083
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0375-9474
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Capelli, L;   2 Abreu, MC;   3 Alessandro, B;
4 Alexa, C;   5 Arnaldi, R;   6 Atayan, M;
7 Baglin, C;   8 Baldit, A;   9 Bedjidian, M;
10 Beole, S;   11 Boldea, V;   12 Bordalo, P;
13 Borenstein, SR;   14 Borges, C;   15 Bussiere, A;
16 Capelli, L;   17 Castagner, C;   18 Castor, J;
19 Chaurand, B;   20 Cheynis, B;   21 Chiavassa, E;
22 Cicalo, C;   23 Claudino, T;   24 Comets, MP;
25 Constans, N;   26 Constantinescu, S;   27 Cortese, P;
28 Cruz, J;   29 De Falco, A;   30 Dellacasa, G;
31 De Marco, N;   32 Dita, S;   33 Drapier, S;
34 Espagnon, B;   35 Fargeix, J;   36 Force, P;
37 Gallio, M;   38 Gavrilov, YK;   39 Gerschel, C;
40 Giubellino, P;   41 Golubeva, MB;   42 Gonin, M;
43 Grigorian, AA;   44 Grossiord, JY;   45 Guber, FF;
46 Guichard, A;   47 Gulkanyan, H;   48 Hakobyan, R;
49 Haroutunian, R;   50 Idzik, M;   51 Jouan, D;
52 Karavitcheva, TI;   53 Kluberg, L;   54 Kurepin, AB;
55 Le Bornec, Y;   56 Lourenco, C;   57 Macciotta, P;
58 Mac Cormick, M;   59 Marzari Chiesa, A;   60 Masera, M;
61 Masoni, A;   62 Monteno, M;   63 Musso, A;
64 Petiau, P;   65 Piccotti, A;   66 Pizzi, JR;
67 Prado da Silva, W;   68 Prino, F;   69 Puddu, G;
70 Quintans, C;   71 Ramos, S;   72 Ramello, L;
73 Rato Mendes, P;   74 Riccati, L;   75 Romana, A;
76 Santos, H;   77 Saturnini, A;   78 Scalas, E;
79 Scomparin, E;   80 Serci, S;   81 Shahoyan, R;
82 Sigaudo, F;   83 Silva, S;   84 Sitta, M;
85 Sonderegger, P;   86 Tarrago, X;   87 Topilskaya, NS;
88 Usai, GL;   89 Vercellin, E;   90 Villatte, L;
91 Willis, N;