Insulin Management and Metabolic Control of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Childhood and Adolescence in 18 Countries

Mortensen, HB
Robertson, KJ
Aanstoot, HJ
Danne, T
Holl, RW
Hougaard, P
Atchison, JA
Daneman, D
Dinesen, B
Kocova, M
Martul, P
Matsuura, N
Schoenle, EJ
Sovik, O
Swift, PCF
Vanelli, M
Aman, J
Document Type
Year published
in Diabetic Medicine, ISSN: 0742-3071
Volume: 15, Issue: 9, Pages: 752-759
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 9737804
Scopus: 2-s2.0-15144346422
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0742-3071
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Mortensen, HB;   2 Robertson, KJ;   3 Aanstoot, HJ;
4 Danne, T;   5 Holl, RW;   6 Hougaard, P;
7 Atchison, JA;   8 Chiarelli, F;   9 Daneman, D;
10 Dinesen, B;   11 Dorchy, H;   12 Garandeau, P;
13 Greene, S;   14 Hoey, H;   15 Kaprio, EA;
16 Kocova, M;   17 Martul, P;   18 Matsuura, N;
19 Schoenle, EJ;   20 Sovik, O;   21 Swift, PCF;
22 Tsou, RM;   23 Vanelli, M;   24 Aman, J;