The Magnetism of the Solar Interior for a Complete Mhd Solar Vision

Turck Chieze, S
Appourchaux, T
Ballot, J
Berthomieu, G
Boumier, P
Brun, AS
Cacciani, A
Christensen Dalsgaard, J
Corbard, T
Couvidat, S
Rodier, T
Roxburgh, I
Rozelot, JP
Solanki, S
Talon, S
Thompson, M
Thuillier, G
Vauclair, S
Zahn, JP
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, ISSN: 0379-6566
Issue: 588, Pages: 193-202
39Th Eslab Symposium: Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020, Date: 19 April 2005 through 21 April 2005, Location: Noordwijk, Sponsors: European Space Agency
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-33645700360
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0379-6566
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Turck Chieze, S;   2 Appourchaux, T;   3 Ballot, J;
4 Berthomieu, G;   5 Boumier, P;   6 Brun, AS;
7 Cacciani, A;   8 Christensen Dalsgaard, J;   9 Corbard, T;
10 Couvidat, S;   11 Eff Darwich, A;   12 Dintrans, B;
13 Fossat, E;   14 Garcia, RA;   15 Gelly, B;
16 Gizon, L;   17 Gough, D;   18 Jimenez, A;
19 Jimenez Reyes, S;   20 Kosovishev, A;   21 Lambert, P;
22 Lopes, I ;   23 Martic, M;   24 Mathis, S;
25 Meunier, N;   26 Nghiem, PA;   27 Palle, P;
28 Piau, L;   29 Provost, J;   30 Rieutord, M;
31 Robillot, JM;   32 Rodier, T;   33 Roxburgh, I;
34 Rozelot, JP;   35 Solanki, S;   36 Talon, S;
37 Thompson, M;   38 Thuillier, G;   39 Vauclair, S;
40 Zahn, JP;