Parents Living with Hiv in a High-Income Country: Do Patients Need Specific Support?

Gredig, D
Niderost, S
Rickenbach, M
Battegay, M
Bernasconi, E
Caldeira, L
Gordillo, V
Asander, AS
Wilkins, E
Asoe, D
Document Type
Year published
in Swiss Medical Weekly, ISSN: 1424-7860
Volume: 138, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 38-46
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 18224495
Scopus: 2-s2.0-38749138875
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1424-7860
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Gredig, D;   2 Niderost, S;   3 Rickenbach, M;
4 Battegay, M;   5 Bernasconi, E;   6 Boni, J;
7 Bucher, HC;   8 Burgisser, P;   9 Calmy, A;
10 Cattacin, S;   11 Cavassini, M;   12 Dubs, R;
13 Egger, M;   14 Elzi, L;   15 Erb, P;
16 Fischer, M;   17 Flepp, M;   18 Fontana, A;
19 Francioli, P;   20 Furrer, H;   21 Fux, C;
22 Gorgievski, M;   23 Gunthard, H;   24 Hirsch, H;
25 Hirschel, B;   26 Hosli, I;   27 Kahlert, C;
28 Kaiser, L;   29 Karrer, U;   30 Kind, C;
31 Klimkait, T;   32 Ledergerber, B;   33 Martinetti, G;
34 Martinez, B;   35 Muller, N;   36 Nadal, D;
37 Opravil, M;   38 Paccaud, F;   39 Pantaleo, G;
40 Rauch, A;   41 Regenass, S;   42 Rickenbach, M;
43 Rudin, C;   44 Schmid, P;   45 Schultze, D;
46 Schupbach, J;   47 Speck, R;   48 Taffe, P;
49 Tarr, P;   50 Telenti, A;   51 Trkola, A;
52 Vernazza, P;   53 Weber, R;   54 Yerly, S;
55 Koitz, G;   56 Mumelter, B;   57 Colebunders, B;
58 Nostlinger, C;   59 Vandercam, V;   60 Sonnenberg Schwan, U;
61 Gobel, FD;   62 Dedes, N;   63 Giaquinto, C;
64 Bartoli, G;   65 Uberti Foppa, C;   66 Caldeira, L;
67 Gordillo, V;   68 Asander, AS;   69 Wilkins, E;
70 Asoe, D;