The Ams-Rich Prototype: Test Beam Results

Aguayo, P
Barrau, A
Baret, B
Belmont, E
Berdugo, J
Borges, J
Buenerd, M
Menchaca Rocha, A
Palomares, C
Sanchez, E
Seo, ES
Sevilla, I
Torrento, A
Vargas Trevino, M
Demidenko S.Ottoboni R.Petri D.Piuri V.Weng D.C.T.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, ISSN: 1091-5281
Volume: 2, Pages: 1135-1139
Proceedings of the 21St Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Imtc/04, Date: 18 May 2004 through 20 May 2004, Location: Como, Sponsors: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-4744347864
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1091-5281
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Aguayo, P;   2 Arruda, L;   3 Barao, F ;
4 Barrau, A;   5 Baret, B;   6 Belmont, E;
7 Berdugo, J;   8 Boudoul, G;   9 Borges, J;
10 Buenerd, M;   11 Casadei, D;   12 Casaus, J;
13 Delgado, C;   14 Diaz, C;   15 Derome, L;
16 Eraud, L;   17 Gallin Martel, L;   18 Giovacchini, F;
19 Goncalves, P ;   20 Lanciotti, E;   21 Laurenti, G;
22 Malinine, A;   23 Mana, C;   24 Marin, J;
25 Martinez, G;   26 Menchaca Rocha, A;   27 Palomares, C;
28 Protasov, K;   29 Sanchez, E;   30 Seo, ES;
31 Sevilla, I;   32 Torrento, A;   33 Vargas Trevino, M;
34 Veziant, O;