Special Track on Embedded Systems: Applications, Solutions, and Techniques

Bechini, A
Prete, CA
Altenbernd, P
Bartolini, S
Bertin, V
Dean, A
Engels, M
Foglia, P
Lim, SS
Memik, G
Simeon, J
Sheynin, Y
Sips, HJ
Talpin, JP
Tripakis, S
Velev, M
Yen, IL
Document Type
Editorial Material
Year published
in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Pages: 1476
23Rd Annual Acm Symposium on Applied Computing, Sac'08, Date: 16 March 2008 through 20 March 2008, Location: Fortaleza, Ceara, Sponsors: ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (ACM SIGAPP)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-56749177582
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Bechini, A;   2 Prete, CA;   3 Altenbernd, P;
4 Bartolini, S;   5 Bertin, V;   6 Buttazzo, G;
7 Cardoso, JMP ;   8 Dean, A;   9 Engels, M;
10 Foglia, P;   11 Franke, B;   12 Giorgi, R;
13 Hansson, J;   14 Jha, NK;   15 Krall, A;
16 Kuo, TW;   17 Ledeczi, A;   18 Lim, SS;
19 Memik, G;   20 Simeon, J;   21 Sheynin, Y;
22 Sips, HJ;   23 Talpin, JP;   24 Tripakis, S;
25 Velev, M;   26 Yen, IL;