Double-Blind Trial of Levodopa/Carbidopa/Entacapone Versus Levodopa/Carbidopa in Early Parkinson's Disease

Hauser, RA
Abbruzzese, G
Mancione, L
Kakarieka, A
Ahmed, A
Albanese, A
Sauter, M
Silver, D
Stewart, D
Sunter, W
Uitti, R
Veloso, F
Zappia, M
Zesiewicz, T
Document Type
Year published
in Movement Disorders, ISSN: 0885-3185
Volume: 24, Issue: 4, Pages: 541-550
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 19058133
Scopus: 2-s2.0-67651034799
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0885-3185
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Hauser, RA;   2 Panisset, M;   3 Abbruzzese, G;
4 Mancione, L;   5 Dronamraju, N;   6 Kakarieka, A;
7 Ahmed, A;   8 Albanese, A;   9 Bonuccelli, U;
10 Cakmur, R;   11 Chou, K;   12 Cloutier, M;
13 Cunha, L;   14 Desai, H;   15 Djaldetti, R;
16 Dostal, V;   17 Elibol, B;   18 Emre, M;
19 Fiszer, U;   20 Friedman, J;   21 Giladi, N;
22 Gollomp, S;   23 Goodridge, A;   24 Grimes, D;
25 Gurevich, T;   26 Guttman, M;   27 Hassin, S;
28 Huang, Z;   29 Hutchman, R;   30 Jimenez Shahed, J;
31 Kanovsky, P;   32 King, D;   33 Klein, C;
34 Kraft, S;   35 Lafontaine, AL;   36 Lopiano, L;
37 Lewitt, P;   38 Mach, V;   39 Mazzeo, P;
40 Meco, G;   41 Mendis, T;   42 Morgante, L;
43 Opala, G;   44 Pezzoli, G;   45 Pourcher, E;
46 Rabey, JM;   47 Rajput, A;   48 Rivest, J;
49 Rosa, MM;   50 Rossen, M;   51 Rudzinska, M;
52 Ruggieri, S;   53 Ruzicka, E;   54 Sauter, M;
55 Silver, D;   56 Stewart, D;   57 Sunter, W;
58 Uitti, R;   59 Veloso, F;   60 Zappia, M;
61 Zesiewicz, T;