A Positive Relationship Between Ant Biodiversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Rate of Scavenger-Mediated Nutrient Redistribution Along a Disturbance Gradient in a Southeast Asian Rain Forest

Fayle, TM
Bakker, L
Cheah, C
Ching, TM
Davey, A
Dem, F
Earl, A
Hyland, S
Susanto, D
Walsh, J
Weigl, S
Metcalfe, D
Trevelyan, R
Document Type
Year published
in Myrmecological News, ISSN: 1994-4136
Volume: 14, Pages: 5-12
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-77956078504
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1994-4136
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Fayle, TM;   2 Bakker, L;   3 Cheah, C;
4 Ching, TM;   5 Davey, A;   6 Dem, F;
7 Earl, A;   8 Huaimei, Y;   9 Hyland, S;
10 Johansson, B;   11 Ligtermoet, E;   12 Lim, R;
13 Lin, LK;   14 Luangyotha, P;   15 Martins, BH;
16 Palmeirim, AF;   17 Paninhuan, S;   18 Rojas, SK;
19 Sam, L;   20 Sam, PTT;   21 Susanto, D;
22 Wahyudi, A;   23 Walsh, J;   24 Weigl, S;
25 Craze, PG;   26 Jehle, R;   27 Metcalfe, D;
28 Trevelyan, R;