in AusDM 2005 Proc. - 4th Australasian Data Mining Conf. - Collocated with the 18th Australian Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2005 and the 2nd Australian Conf. on Artifical Life, ACAL 2005
Páginas: 205-220
4Th Australasian Data Mining Conference, Ausdm 2005 - Collocated with the 18Th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ai 2005 and the 2Nd Australian Conference on Artificial Life, Acal 2005, Date: 5 December 2005 through 6 December 2005, Location: Sydney, NSW, Patrocinadores: Togaware;The e-Markets Research Group;University of Technology, Sydney;Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia;Net Map Analytics