An Earth-Sized Planet with an Earth-Like Density

Document Type
Year published
in NATURE, ISSN: 0028-0836
Volume: 503, Issue: 7476, Pages: 377-+ (14)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84888021918
Wos: WOS:000327163200036
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0028-0836
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Pepe, F;   2 Cameron, AC;   3 Latham, DW;
4 Molinari, E;   5 Udry, S;   6 Bonomo, AS;
7 Buchhave, LA;   8 Charbonneau, D;   9 Cosentino, R;
10 Dressing, CD;   11 Dumusque, X;   12 Figueira, P ;
13 Fiorenzano, AFM;   14 Gettel, S;   15 Harutyunyan, A;
16 Haywood, RD;   17 Horne, K;   18 Lopez Morales, M;
19 Lovis, C;   20 Malavolta, L;   21 Mayor, M;
22 Micela, G;   23 Motalebi, F;   24 Nascimbeni, V;
25 Phillips, D;   26 Piotto, G;   27 Pollacco, D;
28 Queloz, D;   29 Rice, K;   30 Sasselov, D;
31 Segransan, D;   32 Sozzetti, A;   33 Szentgyorgyi, A;
34 Watson, CA;