The Healthgrid White Paper.

Dean, K
Solomonides, T
Blanquer, I
Hernandez, V
Medico, E
Maglaveras, N
Benkner, S
Lonsdale, G
Malousi, A
Lopez, V
Sanchez, JP
Martin Sanchez, F
Herveg, JA
Document Type
Year published
in Studies in health technology and informatics, ISSN: 0926-9630
Volume: 112, Pages: 249-321
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 15923733
Scopus: 2-s2.0-21944457243
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0926-9630
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Breton, V;   2 Dean, K;   3 Solomonides, T;
4 Blanquer, I;   5 Hernandez, V;   6 Medico, E;
7 Maglaveras, N;   8 Benkner, S;   9 Lonsdale, G;
10 Lloyd, S;   11 Hassan, K;   12 McClatchey, R;
13 Miguet, S;   14 Montagnat, J;   15 Pennec, X;
16 De Neve, W;   17 De Wagter, C;   18 Heeren, G;
19 Maigne, L;   20 Nozaki, K;   21 Taillet, M;
22 Bilofsky, H;   23 Ziegler, R;   24 Hoffman, M;
25 Jones, C;   26 Cannataro, M;   27 Veltri, P;
28 Aloisio, G;   29 Fiore, S;   30 Mirto, M;
31 Chouvarda, I;   32 Koutkias, V;   33 Malousi, A;
34 Lopez, V;   35 Oliveira, I ;   36 Sanchez, JP;
37 Martin Sanchez, F;   38 De Moor, G;   39 Claerhout, B;
40 Herveg, JA;