General Discussion

Evans, R
Fisher, ME
Widom, B
Lynden Bell, RM
Phillips, P
Thomas, RK
Morrison, JA
Nicholson, D
Knobler, CM
Earnshaw, JC
Quirke, N
Gubbins, KE
Heinbuch, U
Fischer, J
Clift, N
White, RM
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, ISSN: 0300-9238
Volume: 82, Issue: 10, Pages: 1817-1869
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-37049073862
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0300-9238
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Evans, R;   2 Fisher, ME;   3 Widom, B;
4 Lynden Bell, RM;   5 Phillips, P;   6 O'Shea, SF;
7 Thomas, RK;   8 Morrison, JA;   9 Nicholson, D;
10 Suzanne, J;   11 Chan, MHW;   12 Inaba, A;
13 Rowlinson, JS;   14 Klein, ML;   15 Van Swol, F;
16 Henderson, JR;   17 Walton, JPRB;   18 Allen, MP;
19 Moldover, MR;   20 Indekeu, JO;   21 Willatt, AJ;
22 Robledo, A;   23 Da Gama, MMT ;   24 Thurtell, JH;
25 Nordholm, S;   26 Pethica, BA;   27 Knobler, CM;
28 Earnshaw, JC;   29 Marconi, UMB;   30 Quirke, N;
31 Gubbins, KE;   32 Heinbuch, U;   33 Fischer, J;
34 Clift, N;   35 White, RM;