Overview of Recent Isttok Results

Silva, C
Fernandes, H
Varandas, CAF
Alves, D
Balan, P
Carvalho, P
Neto, A
Pereira, T
Platacis, E
Schrittwieser, R
Sharakovski, A
Tale, I
Valcarcel, D
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in AIP Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 0094-243X
Volume: 996, Pages: 3-13
17Th Iaea Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices, Date: 22 October 2007 through 24 October 2007, Location: Lisbon, Sponsors: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84893443442
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0094-243X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Silva, C;   2 Fernandes, H;   3 Varandas, CAF;
4 Alves, D;   5 Balan, P;   6 Carvalho, BB;
7 Carvalho, I;   8 Carvalho, P;   9 Carvalho, PA;
10 Coelho, R;   11 Correia, JB;   12 Duarte, A;
13 Duarte, P;   14 Ferreira, J;   15 Figueiredo, H;
16 Figueiredo, J;   17 Fortunato, J;   18 Galvao, R;
19 Gomes, R;   20 Goncalves, B;   21 Hidalgo, C;
22 Ionita, C;   23 Lielausis, O;   24 Livramento, V;
25 Lunt, T;   26 Klyukin, A;   27 Nedzelskij, I;
28 Neto, A;   29 Pereira, T;   30 Platacis, E;
31 Plyusnin, V;   32 Schrittwieser, R;   33 Sharakovski, A;
34 Tale, I;   35 Valcarcel, D;