Results from the Ultra Experiment in the Framework of the Euso Project

Agnetta, G
Biondo, B
Cappa, A
Catalano, O
Chauvin, J
Staiti, GD
Dattoli, M
Espirito Santo, MC
Moreggia, S
Pimenta, M
Russo, F
Saavedra, O
Scarsi, P
Silva, JC
Stassi, P
Vallania, P
Vigorito, C
Group Author(s)
EUSO Collaboration
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 6: HE 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3
Volume: 6, Pages: 169-172 (4)
29Th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Date: AUG 03-10, 2005, Location: Pune, INDIA, Sponsors: Forsch Zentrum Karsruhe Inst Kernphys, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Expt Kemphys, Tata Inst Fundamental Res, Int Union Pure & Appl Phys
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84899005795
Wos: WOS:000243522600043
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Agnetta, G;   2 Assis, P;   3 Biondo, B;
4 Brogueira, P;   5 Cappa, A;   6 Catalano, O;
7 Chauvin, J;   8 Staiti, GD;   9 Dattoli, M;
10 Espirito Santo, MC;   11 Fava, L;   12 Galeotti, P;
13 Giarrusso, S;   14 Gugliotta, G;   15 La Rosa, G;
16 Lebrun, D;   17 Maccarone, MC;   18 Mangano, A;
19 Melo, L;   20 Moreggia, S;   21 Pimenta, M;
22 Russo, F;   23 Saavedra, O;   24 Scarsi, P;
25 Silva, JC;   26 Stassi, P;   27 Tome, B;
28 Vallania, P;   29 Vigorito, C;