The Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein Gene in Familial and Sporadic Pituitary Adenomas

Leontiou, CA
Gueorguiev, M
Van Der Spuy, J
Quinton, R
Lolli, F
Hassan, S
Chahal, HS
Jordan, S
Rowe, J
Eguchi, K
Musat, M
Flanagan, D
Peters, G
Bolger, GB
Chapple, JP
Frohman, LA
Grossman, AB
Korbonits, M
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021-972X
Volume: 93, Issue: 6, Pages: 2390-2401
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 18381572
Scopus: 2-s2.0-45149085453
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0021-972X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Leontiou, CA;   2 Gueorguiev, M;   3 Van Der Spuy, J;
4 Quinton, R;   5 Lolli, F;   6 Hassan, S;
7 Chahal, HS;   8 Igreja, SC;   9 Jordan, S;
10 Rowe, J;   11 Stolbrink, M;   12 Christian, HC;
13 Wray, J;   14 Bishop Bailey, D;   15 Berney, DM;
16 Wass, JAH;   17 Popovic, V;   18 Ribeiro Oliveira, A;
19 Gadelha, MR;   20 Monson, JP;   21 Akker, SA;
22 Davis, JRE;   23 Clayton, RN;   24 Yoshimoto, K;
25 Iwata, T;   26 Matsuno, A;   27 Eguchi, K;
28 Musat, M;   29 Flanagan, D;   30 Peters, G;
31 Bolger, GB;   32 Chapple, JP;   33 Frohman, LA;
34 Grossman, AB;   35 Korbonits, M;