Nuclear Structure of 12C from Break-Up Studies in Complete Kinematics

Alcorta, M
Borge, MJG
Cubero, M
Dominguez Reyes, R
Fraile, L
Fulton, B
Fynbo, HOU
Hyldegaard, S
Jeppesen, H
Madurga, M
Maira, A
Munoz, A
Nilsson, T
Nyman, G
Obradors, D
Perea, A
Riisager, K
Tengblad, O
Turrion, M
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in AIP Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 0094-243X
Volume: 1165, Pages: 27-30
International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '09, Date: 4 May 2009 through 8 May 2009, Location: Dubrovnik, Sponsors: University of Zagreb, Physics Department;Ruder Boskovic Institute;Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts;Ministry of Science, Education and Sports;of the Republic of Croatia
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-70450099917
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0094-243X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Alcorta, M;   2 Borge, MJG;   3 Cubero, M;
4 Dominguez Reyes, R;   5 Fraile, L;   6 Fulton, B;
7 Fynbo, HOU;   8 Galaviz, D;   9 Hyldegaard, S;
10 Jeppesen, H;   11 Jonson, B;   12 Kirsebom, O;
13 Madurga, M;   14 Maira, A;   15 Munoz, A;
16 Nilsson, T;   17 Nyman, G;   18 Obradors, D;
19 Perea, A;   20 Riisager, K;   21 Tengblad, O;
22 Turrion, M;