Amyloid Β Peptides in Plasma in Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: A Multicenter Study with Multiplexing

Lewczuk, P
Kornhuber, J
Vanmechelen, E
Peters, O
Heuser, I
Maier, W
Jessen, F
Burger, K
Hampel, H
Frolich, L
Kessler, H
Pantel, J
Gertz, HJ
Vanderstichele, H
de Meyer, G
Shapiro, F
Wolf, S
Bibl, M
Document Type
Year published
in Experimental Neurology, ISSN: 0014-4886
Volume: 223, Issue: 2, Pages: 366-370
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 19664622
Scopus: 2-s2.0-77952548703
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0014-4886
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lewczuk, P;   2 Kornhuber, J;   3 Vanmechelen, E;
4 Peters, O;   5 Heuser, I;   6 Maier, W;
7 Jessen, F;   8 Burger, K;   9 Hampel, H;
10 Frolich, L;   11 Henn, F;   12 Falkai, P;
13 Ruther, E;   14 Jahn, H;   15 Luckhaus, C;
16 Perneczky, R;   17 Schmidtke, K;   18 Schroder, J;
19 Kessler, H;   20 Pantel, J;   21 Gertz, HJ;
22 Vanderstichele, H;   23 de Meyer, G;   24 Shapiro, F;
25 Wolf, S;   26 Bibl, M;   27 Wiltfang, J;