The Hubble Space Telescope Goods Nicmos Survey: Overview and the Evolution of Massive Galaxies at 1.5 < Z < 3

Conselice, CJ
Buitrago, F
Bauer, AE
Bouwens, RJ
Bevan, S
Mortlock, A
Dickinson, M
Daddi, E
Lucas, RA
Mobasher, B
Moustakas, L
Papovich, C
Ravindranath, S
Urry, M
Weinzirl, T
Document Type
Year published
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, ISSN: 0035-8711
Volume: 413, Issue: 1, Pages: 80-100
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-79956324435
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0035-8711
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Conselice, CJ;   2 Bluck, AFL;   3 Buitrago, F;
4 Bauer, AE;   5 Grutzbauch, R;   6 Bouwens, RJ;
7 Bevan, S;   8 Mortlock, A;   9 Dickinson, M;
10 Daddi, E;   11 Yan, H;   12 Scott, D;
13 Chapman, SC;   14 Chary, RR;   15 Ferguson, HC;
16 Giavalisco, M;   17 Grogin, N;   18 Illingworth, G;
19 Jogee, S;   20 Koekemoer, AM;   21 Lucas, RA;
22 Mobasher, B;   23 Moustakas, L;   24 Papovich, C;
25 Ravindranath, S;   26 Siana, B;   27 Teplitz, H;
28 Trujillo, I;   29 Urry, M;   30 Weinzirl, T;