Genetic Evidence Implicates the Immune System and Cholesterol Metabolism in the Aetiology of Alzheimer's Disease

Jones, L
Holmans, PA
Hamshere, ML
Harold, D
Moskvina, V
Ivanov, D
Pocklington, A
Abraham, R
Hollingworth, P
Wichmann, HE
Ruther, E
Carrasquillo, MM
Pankratz, VS
Younkin, SG
Hardy, J
O'Donovan, MC
Owen, MJ
Williams, J
El Khoury, Joseph
Document Type
Year published
in PLoS ONE, ISSN: 1932-6203
Volume: 5, Issue: 11, Pages: e13950
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 21085570
Scopus: 2-s2.0-78649573450
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1932-6203
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Jones, L;   2 Holmans, PA;   3 Hamshere, ML;
4 Harold, D;   5 Moskvina, V;   6 Ivanov, D;
7 Pocklington, A;   8 Abraham, R;   9 Hollingworth, P;
10 Sims, R;   11 Gerrish, A;   12 Pahwa, JS;
13 Jones, N;   14 Stretton, A;   15 Morgan, AR;
16 Lovestone, S;   17 Powell, J;   18 Proitsi, P;
19 Lupton, MK;   20 Brayne, C;   21 Rubinsztein, DC;
22 Gill, M;   23 Lawlor, B;   24 Lynch, A;
25 Morgan, K;   26 Brown, KS;   27 Passmore, PA;
28 Craig, D;   29 Mcguinness, B;   30 Todd, S;
31 Holmes, C;   32 Mann, D;   33 Smith, AD;
34 Love, S;   35 Kehoe, PG;   36 Mead, S;
37 Fox, N;   38 Rossor, M;   39 Collinge, J;
40 Maier, W;   41 Jessen, F;   42 Schurmann, B;
43 van den Bussche, H;   44 Heuser, I;   45 Peters, O;
46 Kornhuber, J;   47 Wiltfang, J;   48 Dichgans, M;
49 Frolich, L;   50 Harald, H;   51 Hull, M;
52 Rujescu, D;   53 Goate, AM;   54 Kauwe, JSK;
55 Cruchaga, C;   56 Nowotny, P;   57 Morris, JC;
58 Mayo, K;   59 Livingston, G;   60 Bass, NJ;
61 Gurling, H;   62 Mcquillin, A;   63 Gwilliam, R;
64 Deloukas, P;   65 Al Chalabi, A;   66 Shaw, CE;
67 Singleton, AB;   68 Guerreiro, R;   69 Muhleisen, TW;
70 Nothen, MM;   71 Moebus, S;   72 Jockel, KH;
73 Klopp, N;   74 Wichmann, HE;   75 Ruther, E;
76 Carrasquillo, MM;   77 Pankratz, VS;   78 Younkin, SG;
79 Hardy, J;   80 O'Donovan, MC;   81 Owen, MJ;
82 Williams, J;