New Constraints on the Evolution of the Stellar-To-Dark Matter Connection: A Combined Analysis of Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing, Clustering, and Stellar Mass Functions from Z = 0.2 to Z = 1

Leauthaud, A
Tinker, J
Bundy, K
Behroozi, PS
Massey, R
Rhodes, J
George, MR
Kneib, JP
Benson, A
Wechsler, RH
Koekemoer, AM
Le Fevre, O
Lilly, S
McCracken, HJ
Salvato, M
Schrabback, T
Scoville, N
Smith, T
Taylor, JE
Document Type
Year published
in Astrophysical Journal, ISSN: 0004-637X
Volume: 744, Issue: 2, Pages: 159
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855235601
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0004-637X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Leauthaud, A;   2 Tinker, J;   3 Bundy, K;
4 Behroozi, PS;   5 Massey, R;   6 Rhodes, J;
7 George, MR;   8 Kneib, JP;   9 Benson, A;
10 Wechsler, RH;   11 Busha, MT;   12 Capak, P;
13 Cortes, M;   14 Ilbert, O;   15 Koekemoer, AM;
16 Le Fevre, O;   17 Lilly, S;   18 McCracken, HJ;
19 Salvato, M;   20 Schrabback, T;   21 Scoville, N;
22 Smith, T;   23 Taylor, JE;