in 2014 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ACC) in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, ISSN: 0743-1619
Páginas: 560-565 (6)
American Control Conference, Date: DEC 04-06, 2014, Location: Portland, OR, Patrocinadores: American Automat Control Council, Boeing, GE Global Res, Honeywell, MathWorks, Mitsubishi Elect Res Lab, National Instruments, Bosch Grp, dSPACE, Eaton, Elsevier, Inst Engn Technol, Maplesoft Engn Solut, Quanser, Soc Ind Appl Math, Springer, Taylor & Francis Grp, Journal Franklin Inst, Visual Solut, Wiley, Swiss Fed Inst Technol Zurich, Dept Mech & Proc Engn