Use of Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents in Stable Outpatients with Coronary Artery Disease and Atrial Fibrillation. International Clarify Registry

Fauchier, L
Greenlaw, N
Ferrari, R
Ford, I
Fox, KM
Tardif, JC
Tendera, M
Kalra, P
Nguyen, LV
Henry, R
Merx, Marc W.
Document Type
Year published
in PLoS ONE, ISSN: 1932-6203
Volume: 10, Issue: 4, Pages: e0125164
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84928555753
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1932-6203
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Fauchier, L;   2 Greenlaw, N;   3 Ferrari, R;
4 Ford, I;   5 Fox, KM;   6 Tardif, JC;
7 Tendera, M;   8 Steg, PG;   9 Sokn, FJ;
10 Reid, C;   11 Lang, I;   12 Van Den Branden, F;
13 Cesar, LM;   14 Mattos, MA;   15 Luqman, HN;
16 Goudev, A;   17 Dorian, P;   18 Hu, D;
19 Widimsky, P;   20 Hassager, C;   21 Danchin, N;
22 Kaab, S;   23 Vardas, P;   24 Sulaiman, KJ;
25 Al Mahmeed, W;   26 Al Suwaidi, J;   27 Al Rashdan, I;
28 Abdulkader, F;   29 Merkely, B;   30 Kaul, U;
31 Daly, K;   32 Tavazzi, L;   33 Jang, Y;
34 Erglis, A;   35 Laucevicius, A;   36 Jamaluddin, AN;
37 Gamba, MA;   38 Tulevski, II;   39 Stepinska, J;
40 Morais, J;   41 Macarie, C;   42 Oganov, R;
43 Shalnova, S;   44 Al Zaibag, M;   45 Hou, MK;
46 Kamensky, G;   47 Fras, Z;   48 Kanic, V;
49 Naidoo, DP;   50 Zamorano, JL;   51 Rickli, H;
52 Jaussi, A;   53 Sriratanasathavorn, C;   54 Kalra, P;
55 Lutai, M;   56 Oleksandr, ;   57 Nguyen, LV;
58 Henry, R;