The "Fish & Chips" Project: Microarrays as a Tool for the Identification of Marine Organisms in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research

Kappel, K
Doebitz, L
Silkenbeumer, N
Noelte, M
Weber, H
Hjorleifsdottir, S
MarteinsSon, V
Hreggvidsson, G
Planes, S
Metfies, K
Gescher, C
Cariani, A
Hervet, C
Falgueras, DC
Antoniou, A
Bertasi, F
Srujana, C
Blohm, D
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in OCEANS 2007 - EUROPE, VOLS 1-3
Pages: 1190-1193 (4)
Oceans 2007 Europe International Conference, Date: JUN 18-21, 2007, Location: Aberdeen, SCOTLAND
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-36349011831
Wos: WOS:000253702200225
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Kochzius, M;   2 Kappel, K;   3 Doebitz, L;
4 Silkenbeumer, N;   5 Noelte, M;   6 Weber, H;
7 Hjorleifsdottir, S;   8 MarteinsSon, V;   9 Hreggvidsson, G;
10 Planes, S;   11 Tinti, F;   12 Magoulas, A;
13 Vazquez, EG;   14 Turan, C;   15 Medlin, L;
16 Metfies, K;   17 Gescher, C;   18 Cariani, A;
19 Landi, M;   20 Hervet, C;   21 Falgueras, DC;
22 Antoniou, A;   23 Bertasi, F;   24 Srujana, C;
25 Blohm, D;