Prism (Polarized Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission): an Extended White Paper

Andre, P
Baccigalupi, C
Banday, A
Barreiro, B
Bartlett, J
Bartolo, N
Battistelli, E
Battye, R
Trombetti, T
Tucci, M
Van De Weijgaert, R
Van Tent, B
Verde, L
Vielva, P
Wandelt, B
Watson, R
Withington, S
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 2014, Issue: 2, Pages: 006-006 (69)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84897729187
Wos: WOS:000332711400006
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1475-7516
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Andre, P;   2 Baccigalupi, C;   3 Banday, A;
4 Barbosa, D;   5 Barreiro, B;   6 Bartlett, J;
7 Bartolo, N;   8 Battistelli, E;   9 Battye, R;
10 Bendo, G;   11 Benot, A;   12 Bernard, JP;
13 Bersanelli, M;   14 Bethermin, M;   15 Bielewicz, P;
16 Bonaldi, A;   17 Francois, B;   18 Francois, B;
19 Brand, J;   20 Bucher, M;   21 Burigana, C;
22 Cai, ZY;   23 Camus, P;   24 Casas, F;
25 Casasola, V;   26 Castex, G;   27 Challinor, A;
28 Chluba, J;   29 Chon, G;   30 Colafrancesco, S;
31 Comis, B;   32 Cuttaia, F;   33 D'Alessandro, G;
34 Da Silva, A;   35 Davis, R;   36 De Avillez, M;
37 De Bernardis, P;   38 De Petris, M;   39 De Rosa, A;
40 De Zotti, G;   41 Delabrouille, J;   42 Francois Xavier, D;
43 Dickinson, C;   44 Maria Diego, J;   45 Dunkley, J;
46 Ensslin, T;   47 Errard, J;   48 Falgarone, E;
49 Ferreira, P;   50 Ferriere, K;   51 Finelli, F;
52 Fletcher, A;   53 Fosalba, P;   54 Fuller, G;
55 Galli, S;   56 Ganga, K;   57 Garcia Bellido, J;
58 Ghribi, A;   59 Giard, M;   60 Giraud Heraud, Y;
61 Gonzalez Nuevo, J;   62 Grainge, K;   63 Gruppuso, A;
64 Hall, A;   65 Hamilton, JC;   66 Haverkorn, M;
67 Hernandez Monteagudo, C;   68 Herranz, D;   69 Jackson, M;
70 Jaffe, A;   71 Khatri, R;   72 Kunz, M;
73 Lamagna, L;   74 Lattanzi, M;   75 Leahy, P;
76 Lesgourgues, J;   77 Liguori, M;   78 Liuzzo, E;
79 Lopez Caniego, M;   80 Macias Perez, J;   81 Maffei, B;
82 Maino, D;   83 Mangilli, A;   84 Martinez Gonzalez, E;
85 Martins, C ;   86 Masi, S;   87 Massardi, M;
88 Matarrese, S;   89 Melchiorri, A;   90 Melin, JB;
91 Mennella, A;   92 Mignano, A;   93 Miville Deschenes, MA;
94 Monfardini, A;   95 Murphy, A;   96 Naselsky, P;
97 Nati, F;   98 Natoli, P;   99 Negrello, M;
100 Noviello, F;   101 Paci, F;   102 Pagano, L;
103 Paladino, R;   104 Palanque Delabrouille, N;   105 Paoletti, D;
106 Peiris, H;   107 Perrotta, F;   108 Piacentini, F;
109 Piat, M;   110 Piccirillo, L;   111 Pisano, G;
112 Polenta, G;   113 Pollo, A;   114 Ponthieu, N;
115 Remazeilles, M;   116 Ricciardi, S;   117 Roman, M;
118 Rosset, C;   119 Rubino Martin, JA;   120 Salatino, M;
121 Schillaci, A;   122 Shellard, P;   123 Silk, J;
124 Starobinsky, A;   125 Stompor, R;   126 Sunyaev, R;
127 Tartari, A;   128 Terenzi, L;   129 Toffolatti, L;
130 Tomasi, M;   131 Trappe, N;   132 Tristram, M;
133 Trombetti, T;   134 Tucci, M;   135 Van De Weijgaert, R;
136 Van Tent, B;   137 Verde, L;   138 Vielva, P;
139 Wandelt, B;   140 Watson, R;   141 Withington, S;