The Case for an International Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (Promis®) Initiative

Alonso, J
Bartlett, SJ
Rose, M
Aaronson, NK
Chaplin, JE
Rose, M
Valderas, JM
Forrest, CB
Cella, D
Document Type
Year published
in Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, ISSN: 1477-7525
Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 210
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 24359143
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84890508646
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1477-7525
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Alonso, J;   2 Bartlett, SJ;   3 Rose, M;
4 Aaronson, NK;   5 Chaplin, JE;   6 Efficace, F;
7 Leplege, A;   8 LU, A;   9 Tulsky, DS;
10 Raat, H;   11 Ravens Sieberer, U;   12 Revicki, D;
13 Terwee, CB;   14 Valderas, JM;   15 Cella, D;
16 Forrest, CB;   17 Aaronson, NK;   18 Alonso, J;
19 Bartlett, SJ;   20 BjOrner, J;   21 Brazier, J;
22 Chaplin, JE;   23 Correia, H;   24 Clench Aas, JMR;
25 Efficace, F;   26 Ferreira, PL;   27 Guillemin, F;
28 King, M;   29 Leplege, A;   30 Aiping, LU;
31 Tulsky, DS;   32 Raat, H;   33 Ravens Sieberer, U;
34 Revicki, D;   35 Rose, M;   36 Terwee, CB;
37 De Vet, H;   38 Valderas, JM;   39 Forrest, CB;
40 Cella, D;