GAUGE: the Grand Unification and Gravity Explorer

Aplin, K
Arndt, M
Barrow, JD
Bingham, RJ
Borde, C
Bouyer, P
Caldwell, M
Cruise, AM
Damour, T
Theil, S
Torrie, C
Touboul, P
Trenkel, C
Vitale, S
Vodel, W
Wang, C
Ward, H
Woodgate, A
Document Type
Year published
in Experimental Astronomy - Exp Astron, ISSN: 0922-6435
Volume: 23, Issue: 2, Pages: 549-572
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0922-6435
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Amelino-Camelia, G;   2 Aplin, K;   3 Arndt, M;
4 Barrow, JD;   5 Bingham, RJ;   6 Borde, C;
7 Bouyer, P;   8 Caldwell, M;   9 Cruise, AM;
10 Damour, T;   11 D’Arrigo, P;   12 Dittus, H;
13 Ertmer, W;   14 Foulon, B;   15 Gill, P;
16 Hammond, GD;   17 Hough, J;   18 Jentsch, C;
19 Johann, U;   20 Jetzer, P;   21 Klein, H;
22 Lambrecht, A;   23 Lamine, B;   24 Lämmerzahl, C;
25 Lockerbie, N;   26 Loeffler, F;   27 Mendonca, JT;
28 Mester, J;   29 Ni, W;   30 Pegrum, C;
31 Peters, A;   32 Rasel, E;   33 Reynaud, S;
34 Shaul, D;   35 Sumner, TJ;   36 Theil, S;
37 Torrie, C;   38 Touboul, P;   39 Trenkel, C;
40 Vitale, S;   41 Vodel, W;   42 Wang, C;
43 Ward, H;   44 Woodgate, A;