Β -Decay Measurements of A ≃ 70 − 110 R-Process Nuclei at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory

Pereira, J
Aprahamian, A
Arndt, O
Becerril, A
Elliot, T
Estrade, A
Hennrich, S
Hosmer, P
Kessler, R
Pfeiffer, B
Quinn, M
Santi, P
Schatz, H
Schertz, F
Schnorrenberger, L
Smith, E
Stolz, A
Walters, WB
Wöhr, A
Document Type
Year published
in J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, ISSN: 1742-6596
Volume: 312, Issue: 4, Pages: 042019
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 1742-6596
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Pereira, J;   2 Aprahamian, A;   3 Arndt, O;
4 Becerril, A;   5 Elliot, T;   6 Estrade, A;
7 Galaviz, D;   8 Hennrich, S;   9 Hosmer, P;
10 Kessler, R;   11 Kratz, K-;   12 Lorusso, G;
13 Mantica, PF;   14 Matos, M;   15 Montes, F;
16 Pfeiffer, B;   17 Quinn, M;   18 Santi, P;
19 Schatz, H;   20 Schertz, F;   21 Schnorrenberger, L;
22 Smith, E;   23 Stolz, A;   24 Walters, WB;
25 Wöhr, A;