Intercalibration of the Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the Cms Experiment at Start-Up

Group, TCEC
Adzic, P
Alemany-Fernandez, R
Almeida, N
Anagnostou, G
Andelin, D
Anfreville, M
Anicin, I
Antunovic, Z
Yaselli, I
Yohay, R
Zabi, A
Zamiatin, N
Zelepoukine, S
Zhang, J
Zhang, LY
Zhu, K
Zhu, RY
Document Type
Year published
in J. Inst. - Journal of Instrumentation, ISSN: 1748-0221
Volume: 3, Issue: 10, Pages: P10007-P10007
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1748-0221
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Group, TCEC;   2 Adzic, P;   3 Alemany-Fernandez, R;
4 Almeida, N;   5 Anagnostou, G;   6 Andelin, D;
7 Anfreville, M;   8 Anicin, I;   9 Antunovic, Z;
10 Arcidiacono, R;   11 Arenton, MW;   12 Auffray, E;
13 Argiro, S;   14 Askew, A;   15 Atramentov, O;
16 Baccaro, S;   17 Baffioni, S;   18 Balazs, M;
19 Barney, D;   20 Barone, LM;   21 Bartoloni, A;
22 Baty, C;   23 Bandurin, D;   24 Beauceron, S;
25 Bell, KW;   26 Benetta, R;   27 Bercher, M;
28 Bernet, C;   29 Berthon, U;   30 Besancon, M;
31 Betev, B;   32 Beuselinck, R;   33 Biino, C;
34 Blaha, J;   35 Bloch, P;   36 Blyth, S;
37 Bornheim, A;   38 Bourotte, J;   39 Brett, AM;
40 Brown, RM;   41 Britton, D;   42 Buehler, M;
43 Busson, P;   44 Camanzi, B;   45 Camporesi, T;
46 Carrera, E;   47 Cartiglia, N;   48 Cavallari, F;
49 Cerutti, M;   50 Chang, P;   51 Chang, YH;
52 Charlot, C;   53 Chen, EA;   54 Chen, WT;
55 Chen, Z;   56 Chipaux, R;   57 Choudhary, BC;
58 Choudhury, RK;   59 Cockerill, DJA;   60 Combaret, C;
61 Conetti, S;   62 Cossutti, F;   63 Cox, B;
64 Cussans, DG;   65 Dafinei, I;   66 Calafiori, DRDSD;
67 Daskalakis, G;   68 Davatz, G;   69 David, A;
70 Deiters, K;   71 Dejardin, M;   72 Djordjevic, M;
73 Negra, RD;   74 Ricca, GD;   75 Re, DD;
76 Min, AD;   77 Denegri, D;   78 Depasse, P;
79 Descamps, J;   80 Diemoz, M;   81 Marco, ED;
82 Dissertori, G;   83 Dittmar, M;   84 Djambazov, L;
85 Dobrzynski, L;   86 Drndarevic, S;   87 Duboscq, JE;
88 Dutta, D;   89 Dzelalija, M;   90 Elliott-Peisert, A;
91 Mamouni, HE;   92 Evangelou, I;   93 Evans, DL;
94 Fabbro, B;   95 Faure, JL;   96 Fay, J;
97 Ferri, F;   98 Flower, PS;   99 Franci, D;
100 Franzoni, G;   101 Freudenreich, K;   102 Funk, W;
103 Ganjour, S;   104 Gargiulo, C;   105 Gascon, S;
106 Gataullin, M;   107 Geerebaert, Y;   108 Gentit, FX;
109 Gershtein, Y;   110 Ghezzi, A;   111 Ghodgaonkar, MD;
112 Gilly, J;   113 Givernaud, A;   114 Gninenko, S;
115 Go, A;   116 Gobbo, B;   117 Godinovic, N;
118 Golubev, N;   119 Gong, D;   120 Govoni, P;
121 Grant, N;   122 Gras, P;   123 Greenhalgh, RJS;
124 Riveros, LG;   125 Guillaud, JP;   126 Haguenauer, M;
127 Monchenault, GHd;   128 Hansen, M;   129 Heath, HF;
130 Heltsley, B;   131 Hill, JA;   132 Hintz, W;
133 Hirosky, R;   134 Hobson, PR;   135 Honma, A;
136 Hou, GWS;   137 Hsiung, Y;   138 Husejko, M;
139 Ille, B;   140 Imlay, R;   141 Ingram, Q;
142 Jarry, P;   143 Jessop, C;   144 Jovanovic, D;
145 Kaadze, K;   146 Kachanov, V;   147 Kailas, S;
148 Kataria, SK;   149 Kennedy, BW;   150 Kloukinas, K;
151 Kokkas, P;   152 Kolberg, T;   153 Krasnikov, N;
154 Krpic, D;   155 Kubota, Y;   156 Kumar, P;
157 Kuo, CM;   158 Kyberd, P;   159 Kyriakis, A;
160 Lebeau, M;   161 Lecomte, P;   162 Lecoq, P;
163 Ledovskoy, A;   164 Leshev, G;   165 Lethuillier, M;
166 Lin, SW;   167 Lin, W;   168 Lintern, AL;
169 Litvine, V;   170 Locci, E;   171 Lodge, AB;
172 Longo, E;   173 Loukas, D;   174 Luckey, PD;
175 Lustermann, W;   176 Lynch, C;   177 Ma, Y;
178 Mahlke-Krueger, H;   179 Malberti, M;   180 Malclès, J;
181 Maletic, D;   182 Mandjavidze, I;   183 Manthos, N;
184 Maravin, Y;   185 Marchica, C;   186 Marinelli, N;
187 Markou, A;   188 Markou, C;   189 Marone, M;
190 Mathez, H;   191 Matveev, V;   192 Mavrommatis, C;
193 Maurelli, G;   194 Meridiani, P;   195 Milenovic, P;
196 Milleret, G;   197 Miné, P;   198 Mohanty, AK;
199 Moortgat, F;   200 Mur, M;   201 Musella, P;
202 Musienko, Y;   203 Nardulli, A;   204 Nash, J;
205 Nedelec, P;   206 Negri, P;   207 Newman, HB;
208 Nikitenko, A;   209 Nessi-Tedaldi, F;   210 Obertino, MM;
211 Organtini, G;   212 Orimoto, T;   213 Paganoni, M;
214 Paganini, P;   215 Palma, A;   216 Panev, B;
217 Pant, L;   218 Papadakis, A;   219 Papadakis, I;
220 Papadopoulos, I;   221 Paramatti, R;   222 Parracho, P;
223 Pastrone, N;   224 Patterson, JR;   225 Pauss, F;
226 Petrakou, E;   227 Phillips, DG;   228 Piroué, P;
229 Ptochos, F;   230 Puljak, I;   231 Pullia, A;
232 Punz, T;   233 Puzovic, J;   234 Ragazzi, S;
235 Rahatlou, S;   236 Rander, J;   237 Razis, PA;
238 Redaelli, N;   239 Renker, D;   240 Reucroft, S;
241 Reymond, JM;   242 Ribeiro, P;   243 Roeser, U;
244 Rogan, C;   245 Romanteau, T;   246 Rondeaux, F;
247 Ronquest, M;   248 Rosowsky, A;   249 Rovelli, C;
250 Rumerio, P;   251 Rusack, R;   252 Rusakov, SV;
253 Ryan, MJ;   254 Sala, L;   255 Salerno, R;
256 Santanastasio, F;   257 Schinzel, D;   258 Seez, C;
259 Sharp, P;   260 Shepherd-Themistocleous, CH;   261 Siamitros, C;
262 Sillou, D;   263 Singovsky, A;   264 Sirois, Y;
265 Sirunyan, A;   266 Silva, J;   267 Silva, P;
268 Shiu, JG;   269 Shivpuri, RK;   270 Shukla, P;
271 Smith, BJ;   272 Smith, VJ;   273 Sproston, M;
274 Stöckli, F;   275 Suter, H;   276 Swain, J;
277 Fatis, TTd;   278 Takahashi, M;   279 Tancini, V;
280 Tcheremoukhine, A;   281 Teller, O;   282 Theofilatos, K;
283 Thiebaux, C;   284 Timciuc, V;   285 Timlin, C;
286 Titov, M;   287 Tobias, A;   288 Topkar, A;
289 Triantis, FA;   290 Troshin, S;   291 Tyurin, N;
292 Ueno, K;   293 Uzunian, A;   294 Varela, J;
295 Verrecchia, P;   296 Veverka, J;   297 Vichoudis, P;
298 Virdee, T;   299 Vlassov, E;   300 Gunten, HPV;
301 Wang, M;   302 Wardrope, D;   303 Weber, M;
304 Weng, J;   305 Williams, JH;   306 Yang, Y;
307 Yaselli, I;   308 Yohay, R;   309 Zabi, A;
310 Zamiatin, N;   311 Zelepoukine, S;   312 Zhang, J;
313 Zhang, LY;   314 Zhu, K;   315 Zhu, RY;