Publisher’s Note: Near-Gev Acceleration of Electrons by a Nonlinear Plasma Wave Driven by a Self-Guided Laser Pulse [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 , 035002 (2009)]

Kneip, S
Nagel, SR
Martins, SF
Mangles, SPD
Bellei, C
Chekhlov, O
Clarke, RJ
Delerue, N
Divall, EJ
Doucas, G
Palmer, CAJ
Phuoc, KT
Rajeev, PP
Schreiber, J
Streeter, MJV
Urner, D
Najmudin, Z
Document Type
Year published
in Phys. Rev. Lett. - Physical Review Letters, ISSN: 0031-9007
Volume: 103, Issue: 4
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ISSN: 0031-9007
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Kneip, S;   2 Nagel, SR;   3 Martins, SF;
4 Mangles, SPD;   5 Bellei, C;   6 Chekhlov, O;
7 Clarke, RJ;   8 Delerue, N;   9 Divall, EJ;
10 Doucas, G;   11 Ertel, K;   12 Fiuza, F;
13 Fonseca, R;   14 Foster, P;   15 Hawkes, SJ;
16 Hooker, CJ;   17 Krushelnick, K;   18 Mori, WB;
19 Palmer, CAJ;   20 Phuoc, KT;   21 Rajeev, PP;
22 Schreiber, J;   23 Streeter, MJV;   24 Urner, D;
25 Vieira, J;   26 Silva, LO;   27 Najmudin, Z;