First Measurements of Spin-Dependent Double-Differential Cross Sections and the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integrand from H → 3 e ( Γ → , N ) P P at Incident Photon Energies of 12.8 and 14.7 Mev

Laskaris, G
Ye, Q
Lalremruata, B
Ye, QJ
Ahmed, MW
Averett, T
Dutta, D
Gao, H
Qian, X
Sauer, PU
Skibiński, R
Stave, S
Tompkins, JR
Weller, HR
Witała, H
Wu, YK
Zhang, Y
Zheng, W
Document Type
Year published
in Phys. Rev. Lett. - Physical Review Letters, ISSN: 0031-9007
Volume: 110, Issue: 20
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ISSN: 0031-9007
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Laskaris, G;   2 Ye, Q;   3 Lalremruata, B;
4 Ye, QJ;   5 Ahmed, MW;   6 Averett, T;
7 Deltuva, A;   8 Dutta, D;   9 Fonseca, AC;
10 Gao, H;   11 Golak, J;   12 Huang, M;
13 Karwowski, HJ;   14 Mueller, JM;   15 Myers, LS;
16 Peng, C;   17 Perdue, BA;   18 Qian, X;
19 Sauer, PU;   20 Skibiński, R;   21 Stave, S;
22 Tompkins, JR;   23 Weller, HR;   24 Witała, H;
25 Wu, YK;   26 Zhang, Y;   27 Zheng, W;