Investigation of the Three-Nucleon System Dynamics in the Deuteron–Proton Breakup Reaction

Ciepał, I
Kłos, B
Stephan, E
Biegun, A
Bodek, K
Epelbaum, E
Eslami-Kalantari, M
Roy, BJ
Sakai, H
Sekiguchi, K
Sitnik, I
Siudak, R
Skibiński, R
Sworst, R
Urban, J
Witała, H
Zejma, J
Document Type
Year published
in Few-Body Syst - Few-Body Systems, ISSN: 0177-7963
Volume: 55, Issue: 8-10, Pages: 639-644
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0177-7963
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Ciepał, I;   2 Kłos, B;   3 Kistryn, S;
4 Stephan, E;   5 Biegun, A;   6 Bodek, K;
7 Deltuva, A;   8 Epelbaum, E;   9 Eslami-Kalantari, M;
10 Fonseca, AC;   11 Golak, J;   12 Jha, V;
13 Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N;   14 Kamada, H;   15 Khatri, G;
16 Kirillov, D;   17 Kirillov, D;   18 Kliczewski, S;
19 Kozela, A;   20 Kravcikova, M;   21 Machner, H;
22 Magiera, A;   23 Martinska, G;   24 Messchendorp, J;
25 Nogga, A;   26 Parol, W;   27 Ramazani-Moghaddam-Arani, A;
28 Roy, BJ;   29 Sakai, H;   30 Sekiguchi, K;
31 Sitnik, I;   32 Siudak, R;   33 Skibiński, R;
34 Sworst, R;   35 Urban, J;   36 Witała, H;
37 Zejma, J;