
de la Torre, S
Le Fèvre, O
Arnouts, S
Guzzo, L
Farrah, D
Iovino, A
Lonsdale, CJ
Meneux, B
Oliver, SJ
Pollo, A
Zucca, E
Bondi, M
Bongiorno, A
Cucciati, O
Mellier, Y
Merluzzi, P
Temporin, S
Vergani, D
Walcher, CJ
Document Type
Year published
in Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A, ISSN: 0004-6361
Volume: 475, Issue: 2, Pages: 443-451
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0004-6361
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 de la Torre, S;   2 Le Fèvre, O;   3 Arnouts, S;
4 Guzzo, L;   5 Farrah, D;   6 Iovino, A;
7 Lonsdale, CJ;   8 Meneux, B;   9 Oliver, SJ;
10 Pollo, A;   11 Waddington, I;   12 Bottini, D;
13 Fang, F;   14 Garilli, B;   15 Le Brun, V;
16 Maccagni, D;   17 Picat, JP;   18 Scaramella, R;
19 Scodeggio, M;   20 Shupe, D;   21 Surace, J;
22 Tresse, L;   23 Vettolani, G;   24 Zanichelli, A;
25 Adami, C;   26 Bardelli, S;   27 Bolzonella, M;
28 Cappi, A;   29 Charlot, S;   30 Ciliegi, P;
31 Contini, T;   32 Foucaud, S;   33 Franzetti, P;
34 Gavignaud, I;   35 Ilbert, O;   36 Lamareille, F;
37 McCracken, HJ;   38 Marano, B;   39 Marinoni, C;
40 Mazure, A;   41 Merighi, R;   42 Paltani, S;
43 Pellò, R;   44 Pozzetti, L;   45 Radovich, M;
46 Zamorani, G;   47 Zucca, E;   48 Bondi, M;
49 Bongiorno, A;   50 Brinchmann, J ;   51 Cucciati, O;
52 Mellier, Y;   53 Merluzzi, P;   54 Temporin, S;
55 Vergani, D;   56 Walcher, CJ;