Guidelines on Myocardial Revascularization: The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (Esc) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (Eacts)

Wijns, W
Kolh, P
Danchin, N
Di Mario, C
Falk, V
Folliguet, T
Garg, S
Huber, K
James, S
Knuuti, J
Piek, JJ
Pirk, J
Rozenman, Y
Sabate, M
Starc, R
Thielmann, M
Wheatley, DJ
Windecker, S
Zembala, M
Document Type
Year published
in European Heart Journal, ISSN: 0195-668X
Volume: 31, Issue: 20, Pages: 2501-2555
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ISSN: 0195-668X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Wijns, W;   2 Kolh, P;   3 Danchin, N;
4 Di Mario, C;   5 Falk, V;   6 Folliguet, T;
7 Garg, S;   8 Huber, K;   9 James, S;
10 Knuuti, J;   11 Lopez-Sendon, J;   12 Marco, J;
13 Menicanti, L;   14 Ostojic, M;   15 Piepoli, MF;
16 Pirlet, C;   17 Pomar, JL;   18 Reifart, N;
19 Ribichini, FL;   20 Schalij, MJ;   21 Sergeant, P;
22 Serruys, PW;   23 Silber, S;   24 Sousa Uva, M ;
25 Taggart, D;   26 Vahanian, A;   27 Auricchio, A;
28 Bax, J;   29 Ceconi, C;   30 Dean, V;
31 Filippatos, G;   32 Funck-Brentano, C;   33 Hobbs, R;
34 Kearney, P;   35 McDonagh, T;   36 Popescu, BA;
37 Reiner, Z;   38 Sechtem, U;   39 Sirnes, PA;
40 Tendera, M;   41 Vardas, PE;   42 Widimsky, P;
43 Kolh, P;   44 Alfieri, O;   45 Dunning, J;
46 Elia, S;   47 Kappetein, P;   48 Lockowandt, U;
49 Sarris, G;   50 Vouhe, P;   51 Kearney, P;
52 von Segesser, L;   53 Agewall, S;   54 Aladashvili, A;
55 Alexopoulos, D;   56 Antunes, MJ;   57 Atalar, E;
58 Brutel de la Riviere, A;   59 Doganov, A;   60 Eha, J;
61 Fajadet, J;   62 Ferreira, R;   63 Garot, J;
64 Halcox, J;   65 Hasin, Y;   66 Janssens, S;
67 Kervinen, K;   68 Laufer, G;   69 Legrand, V;
70 Nashef, SAM;   71 Neumann, F;   72 Niemela, K;
73 Nihoyannopoulos, P;   74 Noc, M;   75 Piek, JJ;
76 Pirk, J;   77 Rozenman, Y;   78 Sabate, M;
79 Starc, R;   80 Thielmann, M;   81 Wheatley, DJ;
82 Windecker, S;   83 Zembala, M;