Massive Rotator Cuff Tears and Rotator Cuff Arthropathy

Cartucho, A
Van Raebroeckx, A
Toussaint, B
Brzoska, R
Blasiak, A
Van Der List, M
Van Der Zwaal, P
Senekovic, V
Poberaj, B
Adar, E
Dekel, A
Jermolajevas, V
Battistella, F
Taverna, E
Korolev, A
Khasanshin, M
Valenti, P
Kamineni, S
Chae, J
Document Type
Book Chapter
Year published
in ESSKA Instructional Course Lecture Book: Geneva 2012
Volume: 9783642294464, Pages: 99-137
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84949175816
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Cartucho, A;   2 Gleyze, P;   3 Van Raebroeckx, A;
4 Toussaint, B;   5 Brzoska, R;   6 Blasiak, A;
7 Van Der List, M;   8 Van Der Zwaal, P;   9 Senekovic, V;
10 Poberaj, B;   11 Kovacic, L;   12 Sluga, B;
13 Mikek, M;   14 Atoun, E;   15 Adar, E;
16 Dekel, A;   17 Jermolajevas, V;   18 Battistella, F;
19 Taverna, E;   20 Korolev, A;   21 Khasanshin, M;
22 Valenti, P;   23 Kamineni, S;   24 Chae, J;