Implementation of Departmental Quality Strategies Is Positively Associated with Clinical Practice: Results of a Multicenter Study in 73 Hospitals in 7 European Countries

Sunol, R
Wagner, C
Arah, OA
Kristensen, S
Pfaff, H
Thompson, CA
Wang, A
DerSarkissian, M
Eiras, M
Franca, M
Leite, I
Almeman, F
Kus, H
Ozturk, K
Mannion, R
Thompson, A
Virgili, Gianni
Document Type
Year published
in PLoS ONE, ISSN: 1932-6203
Volume: 10, Issue: 11, Pages: e0141157
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84957990752
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1932-6203
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Sunol, R;   2 Wagner, C;   3 Arah, OA;
4 Kristensen, S;   5 Pfaff, H;   6 Klazinga, N;
7 Thompson, CA;   8 Wang, A;   9 DerSarkissian, M;
10 Bartels, P;   11 Michel, P;   12 Groene, O;
13 Kringos, DS;   14 Lombarts, MJMH;   15 Plochg, T;
16 Lopez, MA;   17 Secanell, M;   18 Vallejo, P;
19 Saillour Glenisson, F;   20 Car, M;   21 Jones, S;
22 Klaus, E;   23 Bottaro, S;   24 Garel, P;
25 Saluvan, M;   26 Bruneau, C;   27 Depaigne Loth, A;
28 Shaw, CD;   29 Hammer, A;   30 Ommen, O;
31 Botje, D;   32 Kutaj Wasikowska, H;   33 Kutriba, B;
34 Escoval, A;   35 Lívio, A;   36 Eiras, M;
37 Franca, M;   38 Leite, I;   39 Almeman, F;
40 Kus, H;   41 Ozturk, K;   42 Mannion, R;
43 Thompson, A;