Associations with Intraocular Pressure Across Europe: The European Eye Epidemiology (E-3) Consortium

Khawaja, AP
Springelkamp, H
Creuzot Garcher, C
Delcourt, C
Hofman, A
Höhn, R
Iglesias, AI
Wolfs, RCW
Korobelnik, JF
Silva, R
Topouzis, F
Verhoeven, V
von Hanno, T
Vujosevic, S
Williams, K
Wolfram, C
Yip, J
Zerbib, J
Zwiener, I
Group Author(s)
European Eye Epidemiology E3
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 31, Issue: 11, Pages: 1101-1111 (11)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84986593088
Wos: WOS:000391454100005
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0393-2990
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Khawaja, AP;   2 Springelkamp, H;   3 Creuzot Garcher, C;
4 Delcourt, C;   5 Hofman, A;   6 Höhn, R;
7 Iglesias, AI;   8 Wolfs, RCW;   9 Korobelnik, JF;
10 Silva, R;   11 Topouzis, F;   12 Williams, KM;
13 Bron, AM;   14 Buitendijk, GHS;   15 Cachulo, MDL;
16 Cougnard Grégoire, A;   17 Dartigues, JF;   18 Hammond, CJ;
19 Pfeiffer, N;   20 Salonikiou, A;   21 van Duijn, CM;
22 Vingerling, JR;   23 Luben, RN;   24 Mirshahi, A;
25 Lamparter, J;   26 Klaver, CCW;   27 Jansonius, NM;
28 Foster, PJ;   29 Acar, N;   30 Anastosopoulos, E;
31 Azuara Blanco, A;   32 Bergen, A;   33 Bertelsen, G;
34 Binquet, C;   35 Bird, A;   36 Brétillon, L;
37 Bron, A;   38 Buitendijk, G;   39 Cachulo, ML;
40 Chakravarthy, U;   41 Chan, M;   42 Chang, P;
43 Colijn, A;   44 Cougnard Grégoire, A;   45 Creuzot Garcher, C;
46 Cumberland, P;   47 Cunha Vaz, J;   48 Daien, V;
49 Deak, G;   50 Delcourt, C;   51 Delyfer, MN;
52 Hollander, AD;   53 Dietzel, M;   54 Erke, MG;
55 Fauser, S;   56 Finger, R;   57 Fletcher, A;
58 Foster, P;   59 Founti, P;   60 Göbel, A;
61 Gorgels, T;   62 Grauslund, J;   63 Grus, F;
64 Hammond, C;   65 Helmer, C;   66 Hense, HW;
67 Hermann, M;   68 Hoehn, R;   69 Hogg, R;
70 Holz, F;   71 Hoyng, C;   72 Jansonius, N;
73 Janssen, S;   74 Khawaja, A;   75 Klaver, C;
76 Korobelnik, JF;   77 Lamparter, J;   78 Le Goff, M;
79 Leal, S;   80 Lechanteur, Y;   81 Lehtimäki, T;
82 Lotery, A;   83 Leung, I;   84 Mauschitz, M;
85 Merle, B;   86 Meyer Zu Westrup, V;   87 Midena, E;
88 Miotto, S;   89 Mirshahi, A;   90 Mohan Saïd, S;
91 Muldrew, A;   92 Mueller, M;   93 Nunes, S;
94 Oexle, K;   95 Peto, T;   96 Piermarocchi, S;
97 Prokofyeva, E;   98 Rahi, J;   99 Raitakari, O;
100 Ribeiro, L;   101 Rougier, MB;   102 Sahel, J;
103 Salonikiou, A;   104 Sanchez, C;   105 Schmitz Valckenberg, S;
106 Schweitzer, C;   107 Segato, T;   108 Shehata, J;
109 Silva, R;   110 Silvestri, G;   111 Simader, C;
112 Souied, E;   113 Springelkamp, H;   114 Tapp, R;
115 Topouzis, F;   116 Verhoeven, V;   117 von Hanno, T;
118 Vujosevic, S;   119 Williams, K;   120 Wolfram, C;
121 Yip, J;   122 Zerbib, J;   123 Zwiener, I;