A European Flood Database: Facilitating Comprehensive Flood Research Beyond Administrative Boundaries

Hall, J
Arheimer, B
Aronica, GT
Bilibashi, A
Borga, M
Burlando, P
Sauquet, E
Šraj, M
Szolgay, J
Viglione, A
Volpi, E
Wilson, D
Blöschl, G
Chen Y.Estupina V.B.Schumann A.Aksoy H.Bloschl G.Kooy M.Rogger M.Toth E.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports, ISSN: 0144-7815
Volume: 370, Pages: 89-95
Hs01 � Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities at the 26Th Iugg General Assembly, Date: 22 June 2015 through 2 July 2015
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84954542867
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0144-7815
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Hall, J;   2 Arheimer, B;   3 Aronica, GT;
4 Bilibashi, A;   5 Boháč, M;   6 Bonacci, O;
7 Borga, M;   8 Burlando, P;   9 Castellarin, A;
10 Chirico, GB;   11 Claps, P;   12 Fiala, K;
13 Gaál, L;   14 Gorbachova, L;   15 Gül, A;
16 Hannaford, J;   17 Kiss, A;   18 Kjeldsen, T;
19 Kohnová, S;   20 Koskela, JJ;   21 MacDonald, N;
22 Mavrova Guirguinova, M;   23 Ledvinka, O;   24 Mediero, L;
25 Merz, B;   26 Merz, R;   27 Molnar, P;
28 Montanari, A;   29 Osuch, M;   30 Parajka, J;
31 Perdigão, RAP ;   32 Radevski, I;   33 Renard, B;
34 Rogger, M;   35 Salinas, JL;   36 Sauquet, E;
37 Šraj, M;   38 Szolgay, J;   39 Viglione, A;
40 Volpi, E;   41 Wilson, D;   42 Zaimi, K;
43 Blöschl, G;