Management and Outcome of Mechanically Ventilated Patients After Cardiac Arrest

Peñuelas, O
Muriel, A
Vargas, M
Frutos Vivar, F
Brunetti, I
D'Antini, D
Nielsen, N
Moreno, RP
Amin, P
Soto, L
Bülow, HH
Anzueto, A
Esteban, A
Pelosi, P
Document Type
Year published
in Critical Care, ISSN: 1364-8535
Volume: 19, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85019217930
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1364-8535
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Sutherasan, Y;   2 Peñuelas, O;   3 Muriel, A;
4 Vargas, M;   5 Frutos Vivar, F;   6 Brunetti, I;
7 Raymondos, K;   8 D'Antini, D;   9 Nielsen, N;
10 Ferguson, ND;   11 Böttiger, BW;   12 Thille, AW;
13 Davies, AR;   14 Hurtado, J;   15 Rios, F;
16 Apezteguía, C;   17 Violi, DA;   18 Cakar, N;
19 González, M;   20 Du, B;   21 Kuiper, MA;
22 Soares, MA;   23 Koh, Y;   24 Moreno, RP;
25 Amin, P;   26 Tomicic, V;   27 Soto, L;
28 Bülow, HH;   29 Anzueto, A;   30 Esteban, A;
31 Pelosi, P;