Career Opportunities and Benefits for Young Oncologists in the European Society for Medical Oncology (Esmo)

Morgan, G
Lambertini, M
Amaral, T
Argiles, G
Banerjee, S
Cardone, C
Corral, J
Peters, S
McGregor, K
Zielinski, CC
Ciardiello, F
Tabernero, J
Preusser, M
Document Type
Year published
in ESMO OPEN, ISSN: 2059-7029
Volume: 1, Issue: 6
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85052708335
Wos: WOS:000408009400004
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2059-7029
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Morgan, G;   2 Lambertini, M;   3 Kourie, HR;
4 Amaral, T;   5 Argiles, G;   6 Banerjee, S;
7 Cardone, C;   8 Corral, J;   9 De Mattos Arruda, L;
10 Oeztuerk, A;   11 Petrova, M;   12 Poulsen, L;
13 Strijbos, M;   14 Tyulyandina, A;   15 Vidra, R;
16 Califano, R;   17 De Azambuja, E;   18 Lopez, PG;
19 Guarneri, V;   20 Reck, M;   21 Moiseyenko, V;
22 Martinelli, E;   23 Douillard, JY;   24 Stahel, R;
25 Voest, E;   26 Arnold, D;   27 Cardoso, F;
28 Casali, P;   29 Cervantes, A;   30 Eggermont, AMM;
31 Eniu, A;   32 Jassem, J;   33 Pentheroudakis, G;
34 Peters, S;   35 McGregor, K;   36 Rauh, S;
37 Zielinski, CC;   38 Ciardiello, F;   39 Tabernero, J;
40 Preusser, M;