Core Outcome Measures for Opioid Abuse Liability Laboratory Assessment Studies in Humans: Immpact Recommendations

Comer, SD
Bigelow, GE
Sellers, EM
Rowbotham, MC
Setnik, B
Sokolowska, M
Stauffer, JW
Walsh, SL
Document Type
Year published
in PAIN, ISSN: 0304-3959
Volume: 153, Issue: 12, Pages: 2315-2324 (10)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 22998781
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84868525984
Wos: WOS:000310772600006
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0304-3959
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Comer, SD;   2 Zacny, JP;   3 Dworkin, RH;
4 Turk, DC;   5 Bigelow, GE;   6 Foltin, RW;
7 Jasinski, DR;   8 Sellers, EM;   9 Adams, EH;
10 Balster, R;   11 Burke, LB;   12 Cerny, I;
13 Colucci, RD;   14 Cone, E;   15 Cowan, P;
16 Farrar, JT;   17 Haddox, JD;   18 Haythornthwaite, JA;
19 Hertz, S;   20 Jay, GW;   21 Johanson, CE;
22 Junor, R;   23 Katz, NP;   24 Klein, M;
25 Kopecky, EA;   26 Leiderman, DB;   27 McDermott, MP;
28 O'Brien, C;   29 O'Connor, AB;   30 Palmer, PP;
31 Raja, SN;   32 Rappaport, BA;   33 Rauschkolb, C;
34 Rowbotham, MC;   35 Sampaio, C;   36 Setnik, B;
37 Sokolowska, M;   38 Stauffer, JW;   39 Walsh, SL;